So You Think You Can Act? is an acting competition with a twist. It is an event where you can showcase your creativity and acting talents. Each team of 4 members will be given a Bible story to act out. In addition, they would have to include 4 variables that are based on pop culture and current events into their act. The variables are: Character, Theme/Setting, Tagline, and Prop. (Props would be provided by the organizers) Prizes would be given to the winning teams. :)
Don’t hesitate to contact 016-7987807 or post on the event wall for any information regarding this event.
For example, a combination of variables would be:
Story – Samson
Character – Darth Vader
Theme/Setting – Medieval
Tagline – “I will follow you” (Digi Yellow Man)
Prop – toy gun
Full list of variables are available at the end of this description
To make the show more interesting, the teams would only be allowed to pick 2 variables of their choice. The other 2 will be assigned randomly. Also, the Tagline variable would only be revealed to the participants 10 minutes before the performance. Teams would be able to select the story themselves when they register. However, it is on a first-come-first-serve basis. So do not hesitate and register as fast as you can to get the story of your choice.
This competition is open to all INTI students*. Participants need NOT be members of INTI Christian Fellowship.
Registration process: email the completed form with the following format to act.icf@gmail.com. Alternatively, you may contact 016-7987807 for the registration forms.
(the first name listed will be the group leader, any notifications will be sent to him/her)
(eg. Character – Darth Vader, Prop – toy gun) or (Character – Barney, Tagline)
List of Stories and Variables:
Story/Title (Bible reference in parentheses)
1. Noah’s Ark (Gen 6-9)
2. Esther (Book of Esther)
3. Isaac stealing Esau’s birthright (Gen 27)
4. Gideon (Judges 6-8)
5. Samson (Judges 13 – 16)
6. Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6)
7. Jonah (Book of Jonah)
8. Moses and the 10 Plagues (Exodus 7 – 12)
9. David running away from Saul (1 Samuel 17)
10. Lazarus raised from the dead (John 11: 1-45)
1. Homer Simpson
2. Phua Chu Kang
3. Indiana Jones
4. Garfield
5. Simon Cowell
6. SpongeBob SquarePants
7. Iron Man
8. Jack Sparrow
9. Barney the Dinosaur
10. Terminator
11. Taylor Swift
12. Mary Poppins
13. Sarah Connor
14. Rapunzel
1. Sitcom
2. Glee / Musical
3. Horror
4. Sci-fi
5. Stand-up Comedy
6. Historical
7. Alice in wonderland
8. Sports related
9. K-Pop
10. Space
Props (will be supplied by the organizers)
1. Oven Toaster
2. Iron
3. Chelsea Poster
4. Tasmanian Devil Plush Slippers
5. Long piece of wood
6. J-shaped PVC pipe
7. Hamster ball
8. Jacob’s Cream Crackers tin
9. Dumbells
10. Sheet of A2 paper
Available taglines will only be revealed 10 minutes before the performance. If you have chosen to pick a tagline as opposed to being assigned one randomly, you may do so when the list is revealed on the day of the event.
The judging criteria will be based on creativity, showmanship, deliverance, and originality.