
HEYYYYY, this guestbook is for ALL people who drop by this blog, even if you're not from ICF. DO LEAVE US A WORD!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

CG Closing acknowledgement and Award presentation.

Hi people! Daniel Here!!! And thank you Lynne for updating this blog so well and putting our pictures so well!!! I didnt know i was that handsome... *hint*hint*

I was an awesome semester especially for my CG which I attended. I got to know so many friends and had wonderful fellowship with each and everyone of you!!! Love you all so much!!! Not only CG, CF meeting was wonderful.

Now let me introduce my beloved CG members:

Da GUYS!!!
  1. Benedict Khoo
  2. Alvin Victor
  3. Samuel Leow
  4. Jason Leong
  5. Timothy Chen
  6. Koe Meng Suan
  7. Stanley Lee
  8. Jotham (Qin Le)
  9. Kelvin Chiong
  10. Joshua
  11. Puah Guo Yan
  12. Sia Chwee Lai
  13. Mark Moh
The Pretty ones:
  1. Karyn Ooi
  2. Charis Teoh
  3. Karen Ngooi
  4. Jennifer Lee
  5. Evelyn Tan
  6. Danielle Lee
  7. Jessica Yong (Aherm...)
  8. Sherene Tan

And now I would like to present the awards to my CG members:

  1. Most Hyper Award: Qin Le
  2. Most Emo Award: Jennifer Lee
  3. Most shy Award: Karen Ngooi
  4. Most Cute Award: Jason Leong
  5. Most FFK Award: Jessica Yong (Muahaha!!!)
  6. Most expressive Award: Hmmm, this is a tough one... But I'll give to... Danielle!!!
  7. Most passionate Award: Samwise or Samuel!!!
  8. Most regular Award: Can I vote for myself? But its *TADA* Benedict Khoo!!!!
  9. Most 'mummy' Award: Of course you know lah... Mesti mummy lah... Hee hee
  10. Most friendly Award: Karyn Ooi
  11. Most inquisitive Award: Puah Guo Yan
  12. Most Busy Award: Stanley Lee!!!
  13. Most committed Award: Evelyn Tan
For those who did not get the award, do not be discouraged, there will still be a chance next semester =) so dun be sad k?

And NOW... I would like to present the award of highest Honour to the most deserving CG member:

Mr. ICF (CG Version)

Mr Kelvin Chiong!!!!!

'I am so handsome, pok pok keh... Dun forget me... I am leaving....'

*Note: This award can also be called the most 'chicken' Award.
Because the award holder poses like a chicken... Pok Pok Keh...

I still love my CG very much, wish all of you all the best for finals and see you again next sem, except Mr Chicken Man.

May You all rely on the strength of Christ in everything you do.

Your respected CG leader = p,
Daniel Cheng


  1. Should give actual awards!! Even if it's just paper. hahahah~ =D

  2. whoah. awesome. i shud maintain my 'attendance' so can get that award again XD
