
HEYYYYY, this guestbook is for ALL people who drop by this blog, even if you're not from ICF. DO LEAVE US A WORD!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Yeah, it's a new semester, and guess what... our Wednesday CF meetings are back! Just like the way our lecturers are handing out assignments so soon, CF will start early due to the short semester. And from the looks of it, you guys are in for an exploding good time! Our theme this week is EXPLODE. It will be the opening ceremony, so what better way to open it than with an explosion... and fireworks... and food!

Because there isn’t enough weeks in this semester to accommodate all of our planned activates, the CF meetings will start before Inti’s Exhibition Week (when students officially register for clubs). Only after the Exhibition Week will we have our customary Fellowship Lunch and a meeting to welcome newcomers.

However, you are encouraged to bring new friends for this coming week’s meeting. Both Christians and non-Christians are welcome. Also, please spread the word among the other regular CF'ers about this meeting. The program will be pretty light, with focus on fun and games, and a short sharing by Chun Chung from FES. So do come and contribute to the explosive atmosphere!

And by the way, ICF has a youTube channel now. :)

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