
HEYYYYY, this guestbook is for ALL people who drop by this blog, even if you're not from ICF. DO LEAVE US A WORD!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


This is me!! Blogging after cf! Boy it's been a long time since I last type something substantial here also. Who won't agree with me that today's Cf was fantastic?? The message was great. Really touching. Didn't you cry? Haha. Ok, I know I did. But not very long la. It was touching wat.
Anyway, it was and still is refreshing to hear of someone speak of God's magnificence to such an extend, as well as to refresh us on how much our God loves us and what a big difference there is between Our God and us. What an awesome God he is. To think that he doesn't just dominates the realm of the spiritual and the Scientific but rules over them.
To tell the truth, I seen this message a number of times already, but it never failed to captivate me, and move me. Makes me wanna be more regular in my quiet time, makes me wanna pray more. Makes me feel like nothing embarrassing I do is embarrassing anymore. They are all small anyway.
Do continue, all of you to fight the good fight and run the race together, and at the end of the day, be able to say, I have fought the good fight,and finish the race.

Prayer-meeting tomorrow. Dun forget!!!! 6-7 pm^^
Cg on Friday. Forget to come and Daniel will come with rottan to find you. haha^^

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