
HEYYYYY, this guestbook is for ALL people who drop by this blog, even if you're not from ICF. DO LEAVE US A WORD!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Let's go M.A.D! (Make A Difference!)

We have come to an end of another semester and this Wednesday will be our last meeting for the semester! The Anglican Bishop of West Malaysia, Reverend Ng Moon Heng will be our speaker for this final meeting and he'll be speaking on how to make a difference and change the lives of those around us. It'll be a time to reflect on what we have done for this semester and let's be prepared for greater things to happen at ICF next semester! Meeting will be at SC-1-1a from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Do bring your friends along for this final meeting even though it's their first time! (Then they'll know what to expect next semester..haha). We look forward to see you there!

Prayer meeting will still commence on this Thursday from 6pm-7pm at INTIMA Council Room.

For Friday, there are no CG sessions at Academic Block B but we are going to have a farewell session from 12pm-2pm in SC-1-1a for those that are leaving INTI. We will order pizza for lunch, so please confirm your attendance and pay your CG leaders by Thursday night so that we can order your share :)

Remember, the semester may have ended but continue to shine for Christ during the holidays! :)

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