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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The 360 leader by John C Maxwell

Time for a book review! Introducing myself as self proclaimed animelover + book nerd!

Not everyone gets to be at the top of the organisation, but everyone will at one point of time be in the middle. There is no question that leading from the middle is more than just possible and might very well make you more successful then you will ever be on the top. The question is how.
This book talks about how effective is your position from the middle and how to make use of it. When at the top, leading seems a lot easier. In fact, it might be easier because people will have to follow you. But in the middle, it is harder because your followers are based on your influence. The truth for us Christians is that leadership IS based on influence, which we should be glad because now, everyone CAN be a GOOD leader.
A few difference that had to be pointed out about leadership at the top and about leading in the middle.
Leadership at the middle is tricky because of it's nature. Purely based on influence. People around you need not necessarily follow you because either they are your peers or they are your higher ups. The book talks about how you can bring about your influence even to the top level and still keep to your leaders vision adding value to him and the vision.
" A team of leaders is better than A leader". This is taken from the book. LOL. The main idea is that as a team we have to work together to put the team first instead of ourselves first. sacrifices have to be made for each other in order to run the long run of teamwork. A nice way he put it. As an individual, if you are to run a race, you will finish it alone. That way you can run it how fast and how well you want. The leader on the other hand, have to run in such away that the teammates can keep up.

commercials over,
ICF is a team. WE are a team of Christians with each part of the body as important as each other.The bible tells us that we are to help each other out in the race, if one is tired, encourage him, if one is hurt,tend to him. Honestly, I dislike the idea of a race but i prefer the idea of a marching army if I may. in a race, we tend to think of competition and not that it will be always unhealthy, but there is the tendency that we will get caught up in beating each other. But the idea of an army marching. If one of your comrades fell, that is 1 less person you have to watch your back.
Cover me, and I cover you
and value to me, and I add value to you.
Lets get CF moving together!
(next time round, motivation speech has to be done the classical way.
by Mr President) hahahaha

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