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Monday, May 10, 2010

How well are you wearing your sandwich sign?

Taken from a devotion material passed to us during the committee retreat and I personally believe its good to share good findings to all. Sit back and listen to the story.

A bridge near a town has broke down due to a storm and a few accidents had happened. The mayor of the town called up 3 men to him. Giving each of them a sandwich sign to wear, he told them, go stand in front of the bridge so that you can warn people that the bridge is down and they have to detour from the road. Keep warning them till I get people to repair the bridge. The 3 men immediately went on their way to the broken bridge.

All 3 men walked to a major crossroad to the bridge. The first men walked 100 yards away from the crossroadand stood there saying, my sign says "broken bridge" so I will stand at a fair distance so I can warn people ahead w. The 2nd man went a little nearer to the bridge and stood there. His sign read "reduce speed". He decided to stand not too far away from the 1st man so right after the warning that the bridge was broken, they will be told to slow down. And finally the 3rd man. He went on and stood near the crossroad that was heading towards the lane to the broken bridge. His sign read "right road only" with an arrow pointing towards the safe route.
Though the safe route was small and narrow, many were saved by this method.
But after hours, they grew lax in their task.
The first men decided to take a nap as he gotten sleepy. So he took of his sign and went aside to sleep. But a stone blocked his sign and it then read "bridge" instead of "broken" bridge.
The 2nd did not get sleepy, but persevered on. In fact, he grew conceited. The longer he stood with the warning, the more important he felt, and it added on when people pulled off to thank him for the job he is doing. As this went on, he thought he was more important then his sign, and presently took it off and stood beside it. but he stood a little to near the words and covered up the word "speed" making the sign read "reduce". Many thought it was a diet program he was advertising.
The 3rd was influenced by none of this. But he was concern about his message. It troubled him his message was so dogmatic and narrow. so he thought, people should be given a choice, who am I to tell people what is right or wrong? and so he changed the sign from "right road only" to "preferred road only" and later changed the word "preferred" to "suggested" It still didn't look right to him and he thought " people might feel offended with me telling them what to do or that they might not know something" and he continued and changed it to something else.
Finally, he came out with a new sign. " Right Road - 1 of 2 equally valid alternatives"
And so. The first man slept, 2nd stood and covered his sign, and the 3rd altered the message. One after another, the cars went into the river.

Now. lets say Christian walk is wearing a sandwich sign. How well have you worn it?

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